Find out how recycled coffee grounds are revolutionizing the construction industry! Pyrolyzed coffee grounds replace sand in concrete, improve strength and reduce environmental impact. Sustainability and innovation combined: your morning coffee becomes the key to environmentally friendly construction.
Discover the art of letting coffee rest for better taste! Find out how CO2 in coffee affects the brewing process and get practical tips for espresso and filter brewing. From the right resting time to optimal storage - develop the full aroma of freshly roasted beans!
Caffeine, the world's favorite elixir, affects the body in many ways. From CNS stimulation to increasing muscle strength - discover its effects on the heart, immune system and more! Find out all about caffeine's effectiveness and its complex influences on the human organism.
Welcome to the world of specialty coffee! Discover the diversity from classification to sensory properties. Specialty coffee, rated from 80 points on the 100-point scale, represents quality and sustainability. Find out more about origin, varieties, pricing and roasting methods for the ultimate coffee experience.